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Brain Explorer Classroom Kits

Providing schools with Brain Explorers Kits – affordable, user-friendly neuroscience equipment designed by Backyard Brains. These kits enable hands-on experiments, making neuroscience education interactive and accessible.

Brain Science Workshop Series

Facilitating a series of workshops led by neuroscience experts. These sessions include interactive activities, experiments, and Q&A segments, aimed at sparking interest in neuroscience among students.

Teacher Training

Offering specialized training for teachers in underfunded schools, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach neuroscience concepts and use the provided equipment.

Neuroscience Fair Sponsorship

Sponsoring annual neuroscience fairs at partner schools where students can showcase their projects and experiments. This initiative encourages practical application of learning and fosters a colaborative and competitive spirit in scientific exploration.

Virtual Guest Lecture Series

Hosting a series of virtual guest lectures from renowned neuroscientists and researchers, providing students with exposure to cutting-edge brain science and potential career paths.

Student Research Grant Program

Providing small grants to high school students for conducting independent neuroscience research projects, fostering a deeper understanding and hands-on experience in the field.

Community NeuroEd Days

Organizing community events focused on neuroscience education, involving students, parents, and local community members. These events can include interactive brain science demonstrations, mini-lectures, and Q&A sessions.

Neuroscience Resource Hub

Online platform with neuroscience educational resources, including lesson plans, experiment guides, video tutorials, and forums for teacher and student collaboration.

Summer Programs – Explore the Wonders of the Brains

This summer, the Backyard Brains Foundation invites middle and high school students to embark on an extraordinary journey into the fascinating world of neuroscience through our exclusive summer camps. Designed to spark curiosity and ignite a passion for science, these camps provide a unique opportunity for young minds to delve deep into the mysteries of the human brain.

At the heart of our summer camp experience is the belief that neuroscience should be accessible, engaging, and fun for everyone. Whether you dream of becoming a scientist or are simply curious about how your brain works, our camps are tailored to inspire learners at all levels. Through hands-on experiments, interactive workshops, and real-world applications, students will explore the brain’s incredible capabilities and discover the potential within themselves.

Our expert-led sessions cover a range of topics, from the basics of brain anatomy to the cutting-edge technologies used in brain research. Campers will have the chance to use actual neuroscience equipment, conduct experiments, and engage in discussions that challenge their understanding and encourage critical thinking.

Beyond the science, our camps foster a sense of community and collaboration among participants. Students will work together on projects, share their discoveries, and build friendships that last beyond the summer. By creating an inclusive and supportive environment, we aim to empower students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Stay tuned for more information on camp dates, locations, and how to register. Embark on a summer adventure with the Backyard Brains Foundation and unlock the mysteries of the brain!

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